Wednesday, March 9, 2022

How To Use Failure Analysis In Your Manufacturing Process Effectively


One of the most beneficial methods of improving productivity, safety, and increasing profits is improving your manufacturing process. Some companies look little for improvements until something breaks. 

They have the Ostridge management approach of burying their head in the sand until something comes along and kicks them. It is a natural approach when you are busy and working hard to just try to keep things going as best you can. The top businesses look for ways to continuously improve their processes, equipment, and key production components.

One path to continuous improvement is to use failure analysis methods from metallurgy and apply them to your manufacturing environment before active problems.

Failure Analysis Testing

A root cause failure analysis is a multi-disciplinary process. The tools used include visual inspection, metallographic, chemical and environmental analysis and simulation testing. These tests help determine the cause of the problem and provide the manufacturer with the information necessary to address and correct the issues causing the failure. Product failures are often complex processes. In our experience, most products fail because of over one reason.

Manufacturing processes. Contamination of source materials. Product packaging, product storage. Improper handling. Determining the roots of a failure is a 3 part process.

Step Data Collection

Data collection involves collecting information about how the device fails. This includes collecting information about what happened before the failure, who was involved, and why it failed.
Manufacturing processes include many steps. Each step involves a specific task. Every step must be completed before moving onto the next step.

There are many components in the device. Each component has a purpose. Some components may fail. These failures may be minor or major. The severity of these failures depends on how much damage they cause. When a component fails, it affects the device's function.

There are many ways to test products. We use different methods depending on the type of product. For example, if the product is a phone or computer, we might run software programs to see how fast the processor runs. We also test the battery life by running the device until it dies. Testing the product helps us figure out what parts need to be replaced.

We prefer non-destructive tests in the failure analysis. We provide the most accurate information and are more economically efficient for the client. Sometimes the failure analysis involves cutting into the material and performing thermal testing. These tests are performed after the failure analysis.

Step Analyze Data Collected to Determine Root Cause Failure

There are many possible causes of device failures. A simple failure could be caused by a single input. Multiple inputs may lead to complex failures. Preventing these failures requires understanding how each component works together.

A company receives customer complaints about a device failing periodically. The company hires Industrial Metallurgists LLC. to conduct a root-cause failure analysis. Tests show the component short circuits due to the metal being of the wrong hardness.

Step Determining Corrective Actions

For most organizations, determining corrective action is the most important part. When using Industrial Metallurgists LLC. for root cause failure analyses, you will receive a complete report on both the causes of failures and the effects of those failures. Industrial Metallurgists LLC. will also provide suggestions for correcting problems. Many recommendations for correcting a problem involve small changes that can have an impact. Small changes in testing, treating and storing products can significantly reduce device failures.

We recommend that you should always check your devices before using them. You should also make sure that you know how to use your devices properly. For example, if you're going to be using your phone while driving, you need to make sure that it won't distract you.

Corrective action is necessary to prevent rare failures. Economic costs outweigh benefits when fixing rare failures. Replacing failed components is more cost-effective than changing the manufacturing process if device failure is rare.

Failure Analysis Tests

Root Cause Failure Analysis requires testing to determine the true source. Non-Destructive Tests keep the product intact. Destructive Tests alter the product to examine cross sections or thermal behavior.
Non-Destructive Analysis (NDA) is used to testing products before they go into production. It is usually cheaper than destructive testing. NDA prevents further damage to the product by preventing any potential failures. NDA is also used to preserve evidence of the failed product.

Metal Failure Analysis

Metal failure can be very dangerous. Corrosion can cause medical equipment to fail. Stress failures can lead to structural damage. Metal failures can cost companies billions of dollars.

Aerospace. Defense. Telecommunications. Consumers Products. Failure analysis is a complex process that requires a variety of techniques. State-of-the-Art Data Acquisition Tools Help Us Determine Cause Of Metal Failure Quickly And Help You Determine Solutions To Fix The Problem. We Regularly Perform Corrosion Studies Impact Tests And Fatigue Testing On Metal Components. 

Industrial Metallurgists LLC. is an expert in designing and implementing test programs that meet international standards. This same failure analysis approach has worked well for our clients for over 25 years. Our methods are second to none, just like our results.

Put failure and root cause analysis to work in your operation now ahead of the next failure to maximize the benefits, savings, and improve your bottom line.

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