Thursday, January 12, 2023

New workshop series

People like simple guidelines and rules to follow when making decisions, especially when there are unpleasant consequences for uniformed decisions. This is especially true for designing the components and joints for a product.

Many product failures due to the degradation of materials are avoidable by using well-known approaches when selecting the form (size, shape, features) and materials for components and joint. It's also helpful to understand the degradation mechanisms to help put the rules in context.

There are many degradation mechanisms and each has several rules to follow and approaches to use to prevent them from occurring. Learning about all of them can seem overwhelming.

But, it's not necessary to be an expert. Though, it is necessary to be informed about the basics of the degradation mechanisms (why and how) and the rules and approaches to avoid failures. There's no way around it. Some investment is required. Picking up bits and pieces of information (correct and incorrect) as you go along is not a recipe for success.

So, we're putting together a new workshop series geared to design engineers to teach about the many degradation mechanisms and the rules and approaches to avoid failures.

Because we want to make it easy for people to learn and get the benefits, each workshop will be:

  • Focused on a single, specific degradation mechanism such as galvanic corrosion, adhesive wear, or hydrogen embrittlement. So, no worries about being overwhelmed.
  • 45 minutes long: 30 minute presentation + 15 minutes for attendee questions.
  • Available on video for 14 days.
  • Accompanied by slide handouts.
  • Once a month.
  • Taught by an expert

Use the sign-up form above to receive email notices about these workshops.

The post New workshop series appeared first on Industrial Metallurgists.

Original post here: New workshop series

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